An exercise in futility

ClickeR 'Game'

13 Jan 2023


My kids wanted to randomly generate emoji’s and have those descriptions read aloud.

ClickeR ‘Game’

Clicker ‘Game’

A ‘Game’ wherein you click a button, generating a series of random emjoi’s (and their descriptions as a paragraph).

The ‘Player’ can choose to have the browser speak the paragraph aloud, using a selected voice.

This is fairly useless and is intented as an annoyance machine written in MD/HTML/CSS/JS.

Game Legend

UI item description
🔊 Choose voice, change pitch & rate
😃 Show Emoji ‘paragraph’
✏️ Show text ‘paragraph’
💾 Save Emoji Image
Speak the text (in ✏️) using the selected voice (in 🔊)
Stops the voice currently speaking
Pitch Tune the pitch up or down (🐿 🆚 😈).
Rate The speed at which the selected voice will speak the text.


  • Q: Can I change the speed/pitch?
  • A: Yes! Click on the 🔊 icon and you will find both!

  • Q: Why is the selected voice not working?
  • A: You probably don’t have that localized language pack installed in the browser. To fix this, change your system language. (<– not responsible for your broken OS)

  • Q: What do I win if I get the highest score?
  • A: The satisfaction of knowing you created the largest nonsensical collection of partial & run-on sentences by clicking a button.


[ ] New UI (Node-less React/Vue/Angular)

[ ] Type in-> Emoji, output-> PlainText

[X] Output Emoji List as SVG (2024-01-21)


post updated @ 1717379707